Social Security Benefits Schedule for the Remainder of 2024

Social Security Benefits Schedule – Over 70 million Americans receive benefits every month from the Social Security Administration (SSA) through retirement, survivor, and disability programs. In order to ensure beneficiaries are able to cover living expenses such as housing, food, and medical care, these payments are crucial.

If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you must meet specific criteria, including reaching full retirement age, having a work history, contributing to Social Security, or proving a disability lasting at least 12 months.

You need to know how much Social Security benefits you’ll receive and when they’ll be paid in order to effectively manage your finances.

The payment process

A large number of Americans rely on Social Security benefits to cover their monthly expenses. Payments from the SSA are made in five rounds every month, starting with Supplemental Security Income (SSI) on the first. On the third of the month, recipients who applied before May 1997 receive their payments. Depending on the recipient’s birthdate, three more rounds of benefits follow.

Social Security Benefits Payment Schedule

ProgramBirth DatePayment Day
Retirement, Survivor, SSDI (after May 1997)1st – 10thSecond Wednesday
Retirement, Survivor, SSDI (after May 1997)11th – 20thThird Wednesday
Retirement, Survivor, SSDI (after May 1997)21st – 31stFourth Wednesday

When there is a delay in your payment, wait at least three mailing days before contacting your bank or the SSA, as delays can sometimes occur due to the bank’s processing time.

Schedule of payments

In order to ensure you receive your payments on time, the SSA has confirmed the upcoming payment dates:

ProgramPayment Date
SSIOctober 1st, November 1st and 29th, December 31st
RSDI (before May 1997)September 3rd, October 3rd, November 1st*, December 3rd
RSDI (after May 1997)Second Wednesday: Sep 11th, Oct 9th, Nov 13th, Dec 11th
Third Wednesday: Sep 18th, Oct 16th, Nov 20th, Dec 18th
Fourth Wednesday: Sep 25th, Oct 23rd, Nov 27th, Dec 24th*

Holidays are indicated by asterisks.

Social Security Benefits Amounts

Currently, beneficiaries receive varying amounts based on their program and personal circumstances.

ProgramAverage PaymentHigher Payments
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)$1,900$2,710 before full retirement age; $3,822 at 67; $4,873 after 70
Retirement Benefits$1,900$2,710 at 62; $3,822 at 67; $4,873 at 70
Survivor Benefits$1,505$1,773 for an individual; $3,653 for 2 children
SSDI$1,537$2,590 for blind recipients; $3,822 maximum

For example, a retiree at 62 will receive less than one who waits until 70. Meanwhile, SSDI beneficiaries with blindness qualify for higher payments.

Social Security Benefits

You can benefit from your Social Security benefits by knowing your eligibility and the SSA’s payment schedule. Stay on top of any updates to payment dates and amounts so you can get the most out of them. Always keep track of when payments are scheduled and remember that slight delays can occur due to processing or holidays.

Knowing when and how much you will receive from Social Security can provide peace of mind when managing your finances.

Maribel is a seasoned tax consultant with a decade of expertise in income tax management. Graduating with top honors in Finance, she embarked on a career journey focused on simplifying tax complexities. Anisha's insightful articles on provide practical guidance to taxpayers.

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